City of Prescott
Validate Address
   Validate Address option can be used to verify if the listed address is within the city limits of Prescott, AZ.

   If your address has been validated within the city limits of Prescott, AZ, you are required to register your alarm system with the City of Prescott.
     Format: [Block] [Direction] [StreetName] [StreetType] [StreetSuffix]
Example: 301 S BEACH ST
Result: Your address has been validated within the city limits of Prescott. You are required to register your alarm system with the City of Prescott.
Result: Your address could not be validated as entered. If your address is within the city limits of Prescott, please refer to the format and example as listed above. For assistance, please call the Alarm Coordinator at 928-777-1900 or email us at