Did you know?
For more information, contact:
Nationally, between 94% - 98% of alarms
are false.
Prescott Police Department
In 2009, Prescott police responded to 2,923
Alarm Coordinator
222 S. Marina Street
alarm calls; 2,913 of which were false
False Alarm
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 777-1906
(928) 778-3739 FAX
2009, false alarms accounted for over
99% of all Prescott police alarm calls and
over 40% of all priority one calls.
or visit our website:
False alarms delay response to calls that
may be REAL emergencies and cost the City
of Prescott in excess of $75,000 each year.
City of Prescott
Not only do false alarms delay response to
Crime Prevention Services
Police Department
real emergencies they are very disruptive to
Residential & Business
the neighborhoods surrounding the alarm.
Security Survey
Human error is the largest single cause of
To schedule a FREE security survey for your
false alarms.
home or business, contact the Prescott Police
Department’s Crime Prevention Team.
What to do if your alarm goes off
Prescott Police Department
222 S. Marina Street
Don’t panic;
Prescott, AZ 86303
Phone: (928) 777-1900
Don’t call 911. Your alarm company will
Fax: (928) 778-3739
contact police if it is a true emergency;
Disarm your alarm system;
Wait a few minutes for your alarm company
to either call you or you can call your alarm
company directly;
o Give them your pass code
o Explain the circumstances of the false
o Confirm they haven’t called police
o Follow the alarm company’s directions
o Verify that your alarm company has
utilized Enhanced Verified Response
The Alarm Ordinance
False Alarm Assessments
An amendment to False Alarm Ordinance #5065-
Is Alarm Registration Required?
How To Avoid A False Alarm
1605 was made by the Prescott City Council on
January 23, 2018. This ordinance is also known as
Yes. Upon installation of an alarm system, complete
Make sure your alarm company has a list of
Title V, Chapter 6, Alarm Systems, of the Prescott
an "alarm user registration" form either online or in
current, reachable contact numbers and is
City Code.
person at the police department.
notified of all changes (house guests, name
changes, new renters, employee changes,
What is a false alarm?
False Alarm Assessment Fees
A false alarm is any activation of an alarm eliciting
response by police personnel when a situation
The following assessments will be levied against
Ask your alarm monitoring company to call
requiring a response does not in fact exist. This
the alarm user, or responsible party, for each
you prior to calling police (Enhanced
response by the Prescott Police Department to a
Verified Response).
false alarm within a twelve month period, which
Mechanical failure or malfunction;
begins on January 1st of each year.
Make sure all users of your alarm system
Improper installation or maintenance;
These assessments are in addition to any other
are familiar with the alarm system
assessment or penalties which may be levied.
User error;
First Response
No Charge
Secure and check doors and windows
Second Response
before turning on the system.
Intentional activation when no criminal or
Third Response
emergency condition exists; or
Fourth Response
Be aware of changes in environment (new
Fifth Response
$100 & suspension
animals, design changes, decorations,
Any other cause not related to an actual or
plants). Don’t leave pets unsecured w/
attempted criminal act. This includes calls that
Upon the fifth false alarm, the police department
motion detectors.
are later cancelled.
shall suspend response to the premises, absent
verified criminal activity or verified need for
Equipment should be routinely inspected /
What is NOT considered a false alarm?
emergency services, until such time as the alarm
maintained by qualified personnel (check all
Any alarm caused by a severe act of nature;
user has produced sufficient documentation that the
contacts and routinely dust motion
alarm is in proper working order and any equipment
Activation for routine testing/installation if
malfunctions have been addressed.
advance notice has been given to the police
Documentation may include receipt of repair or
Is There An Appeal Process?
verification of at least 6 months of operation without
a false alarm.
Yes. If an alarm owner believes they have been
Testing/repair/malfunction of utility lines or
charged unjustly based on the cause or
equipment not under control of the alarm user;
*The fee for a second false alarm at a registered
exemption of a false alarm they can obtain an
premises shall be eligible to be waived upon
appeals petition from the City website or the
Malicious acts of persons not under the
completion of the online false alarm reduction
Alarm Coordinator and submit the completed
direction or control of alarm user;
education class.
form to the Alarm Coordinator for
reconsideration. All appeals will be reviewed by
Proprietary alarms that do not result in a call to
the Chief of Police or designee. The appeal
police; and
must be submitted within twenty (20) days of
the assessment notice mailing. You can find
Independent, stand-alone alarm systems
the appeal form on the City of Prescott website.
installed or placed by or at the direction of the
Prescott Police Department for law enforcement