What is a False Alarm?

The activation of an alarm system signal or message which elicits notification to and/or response by the City of Memphis when there is no evidence of a crime or other activity which warrants a call for immediate police assistance.

This may include an alarm discovered by a police officer before notification of an alarm from a monitor or from a local alarm system that is not monitored.

Does bad weather cause false alarms?

As we move into the summer season, thunderstorms, lightning, and possible power outages may soon be common.

Properly designed, installed, and maintained alarm systems will not generate false alarm activity (and fines) due to power surges or power interruptions. The possibility of false alarms caused by lightning strikes is controllable through the proper grounding of alarm systems and the use of power and phone line surge suppressors.

However, in the case of a catastrophic lightning strike, the system may malfunction or suffer damage.

Avoid costly false alarms that may occur during inclement weather; contact your alarm dealer and follow these simple steps:

  • Repair loose-fitting doors and windows.
  • Ensure that all alarm contacts are firmly in place.
  • Use surge protectors/suppressors on both the alarm system and the phone line sending the alarm signal to the monitoring center.
  • Ensure that your alarm system is properly grounded.
  • Ensure that the battery back-up protection is in good working order, is fully charged, and will hold that charge for a minimum of four hours.
  • Test your system monthly. Always contact your alarm company before you test the system.
  • Educate everyone who lives or works at the alarm site on the proper operation of the system.

If you would like additional information, please call Memphis Alarms Administration at 901-636-6380.